Enter the “Chemical Name (English or Japanese),” “Product Name”, or “CAS No.” in the corresponding input box to search for a product in Manac’s product database.
■ Chemical Name (English or Japanese)
Enter the chemical name of the product to be searched. A partial match search will be performed.
(e.g.: “Brominated polystyrene”, “brom”, etc.)
*Upper and lower case alphabetical letters are not distinguished.
■ Product Name
A partial match search of our unique products is also possible.
(e.g.: “Plasafety 1200”, “Plasafety”, “TBP”, “EB-100”, etc.)
*Upper and lower case alphabetical letters are not distinguished.
■ CAS No.
Enter the CAS No. for an exact match search.
(e.g.: ”88497-56-7”,”118-79-6”, “7647-14-5”, “7647-15-6”, etc.)
<Entry Method>
Enter a chemical or product name in “- Chemical Name/Product Name” or enter a CAS No. in “- CAS No.”.
*Simultaneous entries in “- Chemical Name/Product Name” and “- CAS No.” are not possible.
<Entry of Plural Search Conditions>
To enter plural search conditions, separate each condition with a space.
(e.g.: “sodium chloride brom potassium”, “118-79-6 7647-14-5 9-0518 3-959”, etc.)
<Search Results>
Perform the following to check the search results:
- 1. After entering the search condition(s), click the search button.
- 2. A list of the search results will be displayed. Click on the product to be viewed from the list.
- 3. A details screen will be displayed.
If there are a large number of search results, the results will be displayed in several screens. Click a screen button at the bottom to view the next screen.
If there is only one search result, the details screen will be displayed directly.
<No Search Results>
All Manac products can be searched according to product category.
Click on a product category below the search box or on the Product Information page. A list of products for that category will be displayed.